The original strap broke pretty quickly after we bought the Mac Ride. I finally ordered replacements. PRO: The new design looks improved and appears sturdier. Haven't used them with my kid yet. CON: they fit loosely around the stirrup, and unless you want to fiddle with them before each ride, you need to wrap a bunch of tape around the stirrups before sliding the strap on it to prevent it from rotating freely. It would be nice if Mac Ride could get the specs right on the next iteration so the straps fit snugly.
These straps are a big upgrade from the original ones that come on the MacRide. Although the reviews below are not wrong, they are not very tight on and rotate around and around. I just threw on some golf grip tape and they are money. Way thicker straps and seems like they wont break like the OG's
*note to engineering team* it would be awesome to tighten those tolerances!
The new straps work just fine and seem a little thicker and stronger but compared to the original set that came on the Macride I have to say I am a little disappointed. They turn really easily because they are not as tight of a fit as the ones that came on the MacRide. So they turn down and move easier on the kids. You go to put their foot on the strap and you always have to readjust but the old one stayed pointed upright. Not a big deal but annoying that it is different. The new one seems to have their foot come out more as well compared to the old one. They still work great and glad I was able to replace just that part when original one broke. Should have asked for a warranty but oh well. Great company and product.
One of the straps on our Mac Ride broke this summer. Mac Ride replaced both (within the one year warranty) and they've very easy to swap out. The new model has a larger hole and thicker strap , more durable but just as comfortable.
After about one year of service, one of the straps on our MacRide broke. I contacted the company and was pleased to receive a quick reply and confirmation that I would be receiving a new and improved set up straps. I love the fact that the MacRide has a 2 year warranty. The new straps came quickly, were easy to swap out, and are a big improvement over the originals. My only regret is my daughter is growing out of using it and we will have to pass the seat along to a new user next summer!
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